How Fear of Change Stunts Your Growth… From A Trauma Therapist

You know those things you’re afraid of that you hate to admit? 

These fear can be small like a fear of insects or birds. They are serious to us, but most times they don’t really have many detrimental effects on our lives. 

But, what about the fears that do? Sometimes, we tend to ignore our other fears, thinking they’ll just go away or that they won’t affect us. However, bigger phobias and fears like the fear of change actually have the potential to hold us back and stall our growth.  

Not to get in your business but all of our fears stem from someplace, whether that be an experience, trauma, or something you’ve heard or seen. The origin of fear isn’t singular. In fact, they can stem from different experiences that cause a reaction in your mind and body, otherwise known as trauma. Most often they can be traced to childhood experiences and often show up in our adulthood.  

When these traumas are not dealt with, we can grow old transferring these fears to various situations that may seem or feel similar to our mind or body. These are called generalizations and are often associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. When triggered by external stimuli, generalizations of situations may cause you to think that they are similar to that which you may have experienced in the past. 

For example, the fear of change is often associated with a fear of instability which can cause anxiety when making new decisions. Fear of change often presents itself as procrastination on important tasks or complete avoidance. 

If you were a child who needed to be in control of what happened next or needed strict routines in order to make successful transitions, this now may show up in your adult practices. Or, as a child, if you didn’t have much stability in relationships or in-home settings, you may crave more security as an adult. This can become harmful when it prevents you from trying new things or moving forward. 

Maybe you’re reading this and wondering what you’re supposed to do with this information. 

After recognizing the presence of fear, you may feel overwhelmed by how to navigate it. Instead, of trying to fix it, here’s what to do instead.  

Make Small Changes to Conquer It 

One of the ways to overcome fear, is by actively recognizing it and making smaller steps to not give in. If you battle with a fear of change, don’t beat yourself up internally for having difficulty moving forward. Recognize that fears are all rooted in some form of trauma — whether a big or small event. Instead, when you recognize this fear arising, take this time to see what you can do to conquer it. What small step can you take to make sure it doesn’t stunt your growth? When you feel bits of fear, acknowledge it and combat it with affirmations, or journaling.  

Speak To A Therapist To Identify The Root 

Therapy can give you a clear understanding of where your fear of change stems from. Talking with a skilled professional can help you recall childhood memories that these issues may stem from. But also, a conversation with a non-biased professional will give you the tools to navigate making the changes needed in adulthood. 

If you’re ready to confront fear head-on, allow me to support you in this journey. As a licensed therapist I can offer tools and tips for not allowing fear to hold you back from living your best life. 

Schedule a 15-minute consultation with me here

Brianna Robles

Brianna Robles is a Brooklyn, NY based journalist and freelance writer specializing in mental health and women’s wellness content. Currently, she is receiving her Masters of Science in Publishing at New York University. When she's not writing, you can find her performing at local open mics and trying new restaurants.


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